

Book forms:


eBook, paperback, audiobook



grenzwertig atmen

My way out of depression, cutting and eating disorders

This true story tells of a life with borderline syndrome. It describes self-injurious actions, such as cutting as a form of self-perception, and describes an eating disorder as a way out of black depression and the white lethargy of everyday life.


A partly critical, partly dreaming, partly poetic work that communicates with the reader with openness and humour and involves them: "Will you one day, when you die, look back on your life or on any life?

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Benefit from helpful skills and a positive mindset

The guides help readers acquire new skills that they can easily apply in everyday life. Learn new strategies to deal with stress, for example. A guidebook on positive thinking will also be published shortly.

Book titles:    comming soon!

The secret of a stress-free life

The secret of positive thinking


Snow in June

Breathless heart

Heartless breath

short stories

they lived happily ever after

tunnel parking

the ocean in Berlin

Short stories and novellas

Literature reading for literature lovers

Just get away from it all, relax and enjoy the peace and tranquillity. Think about the really important things in life, take time for yourself and enjoy texts that make you reflect, that are poetic & punk and that enchant you with a surreal touch.